Women's Space

Welcome to all our members 
Membership News  

July is our membership renewal time. Over the next few months we will be encouraging and reminding our members to renew their membership.  This is an important fund raising  activity for Womenspace as we rely on donations, events and membership for a sustainable income. We have not been able to plan any future large events for our fundraising due to Covid-19, so we will be relying even more on other sources of income such as memberships.  Memberships are $20 for 1 year and $36 for 2 years.  Business memberships are available for $40 per year and $76 for 2 years, which includes a discount for room hire. Membership payment is through our website https://womenspace.org.au/become-a-member/ via PayPal or direct debit.

Website launch

Drum roll……we are excited to announce our New Website!Support from Cr Jared Cassidy and the Lord Mayor’s Community Fund has enabled us to upgrade our computers, and redesign and update our website. It will serve an important role in our communication with you, our members. You will now be able to join and submit your membership online, submit your Room Hire applications, and make enquiries.  

We will be announcing upcoming events as well as our regular events, linking to our Facebook site https://www.facebook.com/WomenspaceAust/events/?view_public_for=135571966472465&ref=page_internal. We are getting all our events loaded and updated over the next week, so please be patient. Thank you!.

What’s on

Date claimer! Women’s Health Week – please book this date in your diary Wednesday 9th September 2020. Back by popular demand, we are planning another Women’s Health Forum. There will be limited seating so booking is essential. Please check the website for more details on how to book closer to the time.

And yes, we are happy to announce the return of our fortnightly Cuppa and Chat, starting  this Wednesday 22nd July at 10am. We will be joined by some potential volunteers who are keen to help us with our Womenspace events into the future.

As well, there is now a variety of Yoga sessions on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Also, AromaZen Therapy sessions, and Women’s Circles are held regularly each month. Check out our Facebook site for booking details.

The Evening Book Club has returned, coordinated by Linda Male (enquires 0481 395 136).

If anyone is interested in coordinating and starting up a daytime Book Club again, please contact Maddy on 0431 112 721 or Cath on 0402 132 579.

We have a Zen Thai Therapist, Karen Dickson who is available for treatments upstairs by appointment. Contact her on 0477 547 925.  Next month we hope to be joined by a regular Kinesiologist and Reiki practitioner. We can share their details with you soon. 

Garden Club  Friday 7th August
Do you have a green thumb?  Would you be interested in coordinating or being part of the Garden Club? We have a small group of wonderful women, who look after the Womenspace Garden. They meet on the first Friday of the month from 8am to 10am.  We would love more people to join them and to potentially expand our activities e.g., regular plant sales, potting parties, sustainable composting, worm farming and gardening activities.  So, if you love gardening, have some ideas to share and spare time, and a desire to support Womenspace, please contact either Maddy or myself.

You can also check the Website and Facebook for events and classes, times and dates.
So please, hop on to https://womenspace.org.au/become-a-member/  to update your membership today!
Thank you for supporting us throughout the year. On behalf of the Womenspace team we look forward to seeing you sometime at Womenspace over the coming months.

Catherine Donaldson