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Event Series Event Series: Weekly Writing Workshops

Weekly Writing Workshops

February 6 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Come and join us at the Womenspace Writers Group.

On Thursday February 6th we will meet for a series of five sessions, one a week. During these sessions we draw on the teaching of Natalie Goldberg, in her book “Writing down the Bones”. Natalie says that to be a writer, we should just write. We should not worry about producing good or bad writing, but simply write regularly and often, and then to read aloud what we have written, if we feel comfortable enough. The habit of regular writing produces a remarkable record of who and where we are in the present moment.

The sessions will run for two hours from 2pm until 4pm, and the fee is $5 per session.

During the first five sessions from February 6th until March 6th, our group will be run by Bettina Nissen. Bettina is a storyteller, a lover of folk and fairy tales and a beginning writer. She has been a member of this group for the last three years. Here is a poem she wrote about this group …

We sit together in a circle.

Pens poised to share our love of words that wing their way

across our memories and imaginations.

We sit together in a circle.

Poised on the edge of disclosure

as words on wing

reveal our fervour, focus, resilience and laughter.

We sit together in a circle

And sigh.

This love of words gives us wings.

We fly together

and soar alone.


February 6
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Event Categories:


11 Second Ave
Sandgate, QLD 4017 Australia
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