The WomenSpace Sandgate and Red Thread Stories Australia Inc Invites you to experience the antidote to social isolation:
a Sunday afternoon session with the Playback Theatre that will be connective, immersive, cathartic, and fun!
SUNDAY 18 April 2021 3 – 5pm 11 Second Ave, Sandgate
Inspired by Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann
“Dadirri – inner, deep listening and quiet, still awareness” we will explore shared perspectives, ideas, moments and events from our lives and focus on how we hear and interpret them.
Playback Theatre is improvised theatre led by a skilled facilitator based on people’s real life stories and experiences. The actors and a musician spontaneously re-enact people’s story using movement, sound and metaphor. The result is a unique experience that brings people together, enlivens and inspires.
This particular performance will focus on stories about listening. Those times in our life when we were well heard or heard others well and those times when we didn’t.
performance will be followed by Q&A and a cuppa & bite
WomenSpace members $5, non-members $10
For Playback enquiries contact Jen Barrkman on 0405 110 955
For WomenSpace enguiries contact Ludmila Doneman on 0434 357 862