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Event Series Event Series: EmpowHer


June 8, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 12:30 pm

Welcome to EmpowHer – the Second Round of series of women’s information sessions and workshops. 

This intergenerational initiative, supported by a grant from the Office for Women, caters to women from diverse backgrounds and spanning the adult lifespan (16+). These half day Saturday morning sessions are crafted to empower women by enhancing their understanding of wellbeing while equipping them with tools to reduce stress, boost confidence, foster creativity, establish connections, and cultivate a sense of belonging within our community.

You are encouraged to wear something light and comfortable to participate in discussions, movement and creative arts programs. All resources for the workshops will be provided as well as light refreshments for the morning breaks.

The distinctiveness of these sessions lies in the combination of a diverse range of methodologies, approaches, knowledge, and experiences contributed by several local women. The facilitators include yoga teacher, psychologist, social worker, creative arts practitioner, and community development practitioner. Together, they collaborated to create a holistic, multi-modal program designed to inspire.

Participants of the First Round said:

“All helpful and illuminating and healing in different ways. Sharing of amazing clear knowledge; calm, inviting, peace; creativity and passion – I will teach my children this – Please keep these going and encourage more people to attend to share the benefits – I learned so much today, connected with new people – I feel so good this morning after this session, I felt so stressed to start – Giving space for learning – sharing – creativity”.

Workshops: 11 Second Avenue, Sandgate: Saturdays, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th June from 9.00am to 12.30pm

Cost to participants: Women aged 16-25 $5; Members $25, Non-Members $30




TIMETABLE  ROUND 2 – Session 1 – 4


Saturday 8 June

9.00 – 10.00am       

Welcome and story of the Womenspace Spiral (over cuppa) with Ludmila Doneman. Create your own addition to our spiral.

10am – 12noon    

Yael Reiss will return with the presentation of ‘Family Constellations’ that

  • Empowers and strengthens our capacity to respond to challenges
  • Turns your past into a source of strength
  • Helps build and sharpen your intuition compassion and empathy

Further information: https://yaelreiss.com/family-constellations/

Noon – 12.30pm           

Return to Spiral.

Materials and light refreshments will be supplied.



Saturday 15 June

9.00 – 10.00    

Welcome, followed by presentation from Lisa Elms, now a retired nurse of many years, having at last the time to dedicate herself to her other passion: painting. After 35 years of experience as a painter, Lisa is excited at the prospect of fully immersing herself in an art practice that seeks authenticity and truth.

Lisa’s paintings, often focused on the domestic and human/family relationships, emit feelings of care and compassion.

At the workshop using her experiential knowledge and a number of different mediums (collage, acrylic paint etc) Lisa will guide workshop participants in an art activity, whilst sharing the wisdom gained by personal experience on how such activities can be used to support change, if necessary, create goals, make decisions and solve problems as we travel our life journey.

Letting go of attachment and having FUN is the aim of this workshop. And the bonus will be a completed and meaningful artwork!

10.10 – 10.50am              

Yoga Nidra – a deep muscle relaxation practice requiring no mental effort. Practised while lying comfortably on the floor, or seated in a chair, the task is simply to follow the clearly articulated instructions of Suellen Howarth, practitioner of Yoga Nidra over three decades. These sessions were very well received in the first round of the EmpowHer Program. A few simple asanas (postures) are practised prior to the relaxation, these too can be done while seated comfortably in a chair.

10.50 – 11.20am               

Relax with a cuppa in the garden (weather permitting)

11.20am – 12noon          

With the intention to deepen and enrich the experience of the day so far, we will engage in reflexions in pairs or small groups to find out how we contributed, what made the collective artwork meaningful.

Noon – 12.30pm       

What did we achieve today – what are we taking home with us? – discuss in a light and cheerful way, relax. Stay longer if you wish.

  • All materials and light refreshments will be supplied.
  • Bring your own mat (we have the chairs)
  • Wear comfortable clothing



Saturday 22 June

9.00 – 10.15am    

Jan Hughes identifies as a wise woman and dream finder. This is informed by her experience as an intuitive coach (30 years), many years teaching in a variety of settings, extensive experience as a group facilitator plus rich and varied life experiences.

Using a combination of the aforementioned attributes Jan will assist participants in becoming aware of and further defining our dreams and ambitions. Jan will guide us in determining what ‘self-generated obstacles’ in the form of thoughts and feelings, may be preventing the heart’s desire in realising these dreams.

10.15 – 10.45am  

Relax with a cuppa in the garden (weather permitting)

10.45 – 12.00noon          

Georgia Woods, creative arts practitioner, yoga teacher, Master of Counselling student, asks “Did you know that higher levels of self-compassion are linked to increased feelings of optimism, curiosity and connectedness? “– then she invites us to explore the transformative impact of opening your heart to yourself.  Discover your more compassionate self.


How many of us find ourselves in conflict and believe our issues are someone else’s fault? We are invited to enquire why having compassion for ourselves and others is more helpful than judgement.


In the second part of her workshop, Georgia will offer creative arts activities and a guided meditation RAIN (Recognise, Accept, Investigate, Nurture) to help us understand power of being kind to ourselves through self-compassion.


12noon till 12.30        

Discuss, evaluate the morning. You are welcome to stay after the activities to connect with other participants for a chat.

  • All materials and light refreshments will be supplied.
  • Bring your own mat (we have the chairs)
  • Weare comfortable clothing



Saturday 29 June


9 – 9.50am  

Stephanie Alberti – life coach, educator, mentor, speaker, presents

The Secrets Your Body Keeps.

Find out what your body secretly knows about your life and future!

Tune into how our bodies store experiences, good and bad, and the subtle yet powerful messages we can find out about ourselves.

What you find might not be what you think! You will gain a new perspective and real life plan on the way around current challenges and a way forward with greater success, joy and happiness.

10.00 – 10.35am  

Georgia Woods offers gentle breathwork for relaxation followed by a guided meditation

10.35 – 11.15am 

Relax with a cuppa in the garden (weather permitting)

11.15 – 12noon

Use your hands, be inspired by the offerings of this morning to create an object to take home. Suellen Howarth – Womenspace in-house yoga practitioner and artist – will guide you, it will be fun!

12 – 12.30pm     

What did we achieve today – relaxed reflexions. Stay longer if you wish.

  • All materials and light refreshments will be supplied.
  • Bring your own mat (we have the chairs)
  • Weare comfortable clothing


Enrol at   https://events.humanitix.com/womenspace-empowher-program-round-2

$5 for women 16-25years old;  $25 for Womenspace members;  $30 for non-members


Womenspace, 11 Second Avenue, Sandgate     www.facebook.com/womenspaceAust





June 8, 2024
9:00 am - 12:30 pm
Event Category:


11 Second Ave
Sandgate, QLD 4017 Australia
+ Google Map