Creative Sunday at Womenspace on 4th August will be facilitated by EVE BAKER who started practicing art of stitching, surrounded by circle of female members of her family in very early age. One of the earliest stitching memories is as a five-year-old, diligently working on a ‘sample’ cloth, being quite pleased with the result of her efforts, picking it up to show to mum but not being able to as she’d stitched it to her chenille bedspread!
For the workshop at Womenspace, Eve invites us to play with fabric hearts, representing Divine Love. We will hand stitch and embellish these with a symbol of the Divine Feminine.
You will need a basic level of sewing experience to complete this project.
Fabric and notions will be supplied but if you have a special piece of fabric/beads/lace – maybe you have a pretty, embroidered doily or tray cloth that belonged to a family member or loved one that sits unused in a cupboard or drawer – or other bits you may want to incorporate, feel free to bring those along and we’ll see what we can come up with.
Looking forward to seeing you at Womenspace, 11 Second Avenue, Sandgate
Sunday 4th August 10am – 1pm
Book at…
We have cups of coffee/tea – you bring a plate of something delicious to share at 10am – to meet, great, relax into the occasion and then CREATE.
We acknowledge the support of Investing in Queensland women grant program (Office for Women | Department of Health).
Round 3 of the EmpowHer Program
An invitation to explore and investigate the Divine Feminine in relation to personal empowerment with our local practicing artists:
Lisa Elms – 7 July
Karen Roberts – 14 July
Donna Hawkins – 21 July
See you at the Einbunpin Festival – 28 July – no workshop
Eve Baker – 4 August
Marilyn Cass – 11 and 18 August
Suellen Howarth – 25 August
These women bring a wealth of experience and dynamism into our community. Their professional and personal experiences enriched our space already – in various workshops and as contributors to the Women Weaving Stories. Let us grow.
Weekly sessions 7th July – 25th August 10am – 1pm
11 Second Avenue, Sandgate
Book at
Womenspace Members $10; Non-Members $15; Women aged 16-25 years $5
For further information follow us at
We acknowledge the support of Investing in Queensland women grant program (Office for Women | Department of Health).